January 19, 2022
PHC4 collects approximately 5.2 million inpatient and ambulatory/outpatient records combined each year from hospitals and freestanding ambulatory surgery centers in Pennsylvania. This data, which includes facility charges and treatment information, is collected on a quarterly basis. Each piece of data is subjected to standard validation processes and verified for accuracy by the hospital or facility that reports it.
We share this data with the public not only through public reports and interactive databases on our website, but through special data request purchases as well.
For a fee, businesses, organizations, or individuals can request standard “ready-to-use” data from PHC4 or custom data that is generated based on the specific needs of the populations you’re working with. We can also link our data to other data sources, such as the Pennsylvania vital statistics data from the Pennsylvania Department of Health, to provide even greater value to you.
Administrative & Revenue Data
Second quarter 2021 inpatient and ambulatory/outpatient administrative and revenue data is available for purchase. Third quarter 2021 data is scheduled to be released April 2022.
Financial Data
Fiscal year 2020 hospital and ambulatory surgery center financial data is available for purchase.
Special Data Requests
Contact PHC4’s Special Requests staff to purchase data for your health care projects. Our analysts will work with you to meet your comprehensive data needs. Visit the Services – Data Requests section of PHC4’s website for more information about our data and services, or contact JoAnne Nelson, supervisor of Special Requests at [email protected].

Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council
225 Market Street, Suite 400
Harrisburg, PA 17101