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    What's In This Report

    The Common Procedures Report released by the Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4) provides information about the performance of Pennsylvania hospitals for three common procedures. Reported are hospital ratings for outcomes such as complications and extended postoperative length of stay. Also included are volume of cases and hospital charges. Statewide trends and statistics are also examined

    Report Summary

    Get a broad-level overview of the contents of this report.

    About the Report

    Learn more about the contents of this report, including what’s measured and why it’s important to you.

    Key Findings

    View the major takeaways from this report including key statistics, figures, and more.

    Hospital Results

    See the full results for each of the three procedures covered in this report.

    Medicare Payments

    The following item includes information about payments made by Medicare included in this report.

    Medicare Payments (PDF)

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